Wednesday, December 10, 2008


12/10/2008 12:30:05 PM Ann has 30 days to email each and every one of her so called friends who are tormenting not only me but caught doing it to her and telling them “fuck them and die.” I told her if she cannot then let me know and I will take the first punch, I will talk for her. She has 30 days to figure out how to get rid of them and tell them to fuck off, an easy let down. She has no excuse and I also said if I ever catch her talking to any of them, sharing dinner, even looking at them, emailing them or encouraging stalking her or tormenting us; I will get a new mate and immigrate. If she wishes to hurt them, fine, make them suffer as deranged stalkers, I support her 200% per cent; she of all people should be disgusted and fed up.

They are manipulative, sadistic and bone disgusting stalkers. Here is a list (Rush, Sean, Laura, Kaus, Maher, some black guys (powerful), Michelle M., Obama, Bush, and basically the entire government.) They are getting more powerful as a single unit. All liars and frauds of no quality but they accept it and are used to it so they control and manipulate. It is as if hell took a shit and they came out. I grade them on their quality and they got no quality whatsoever, the right to call themselves conservative is a total fraud and lie. They are all spies and enemies of no quality. Judge them on quality and make each of them step down; they will organize and pull off a double cross.

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