Friday, January 9, 2009


1/9/2009 7:41:26 PM Ann has complained to me about her gutter staff and what they were trying to do to her and how they went about to exploit her. Now, they are chained to her and imitate her by trying to please her which worsens the problem. So I am not enthusiastic about her work knowing what she told me and how it is being exploited by the wrong people; but as I tried to unchain her as she wished; I became discontent with the effort to push me out and away from her “circle” of friends who encircled and were slowing cutting her. So, I do not know what to do and have told Ann to cut all communications and agreements off with these people; the most difficult of whom is Lisa DePaquale, Rush Limbaugh, and Sean Hannity. FreeP is a protection racket and a kick back scam using her label and name.

Ann has spies and terrorists swarming around her thinking they can smash the espionage and terror case against them. That is the problem with Ann’s work; her staff and who she had to seduce in order to build a case on them. Now the hard part is dismantling it as they fight back and strike out. Not all conservatives are bad, but these particular ones are the worst and psychopathic. I have nothing against Ann as soon as she recognizes what they did to her and us until I came along to smash it and unchain her. Again, terror and profiteering is their business and it will continue so long as they can profit off others. Ann has dismantled two or three and we have to wait to see how successful she was. We can only go into the legality and suing them after they are dismantled and communications cut off. It takes a word game and accuracy of words; like war and terror; if they used the right words, we can and will launch war on them; we can prosecute their words more effectively.

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