Saturday, January 3, 2009


1/3/2009 5:12:38 PM Here is my feelings regarding the situation in Israel, I am very strong in my supposition. Every single major spy or espionage effort launched on or against the United States has been Jewish or Jewish sympathizers. Look it up. Am I to believe the next one or the attacks now have diverged from this pattern? Secondly, Israel has a right to defend itself and demand a stop to the rockets; but they are using the last five or ten years to justify the last 40 to 50 years of violations or lack of action. If you seek the time line from 1940 to 2000; we see a long patter of behavior. You cannot invade a country or the USA and demand attacks to stop. You cannot rob someone and call them a thief. You cannot mug them and call them a rapist. You can no less do a home invasion and declare yousef the police.

My sentiments with the Jewish state is at an all time low and I know just about every labor organizer in America is either Jewish or Irish is decent. So when I see our military planes and our weapons conducting atrocities and attacks on our own reputation; I am careless not to seek the rightful owners of such destruction. Israel, as a state, has produced and uncorked the bottle of terrorism on this world unlike any other state out there. We can tabulate how many terrorist came from their assembly lines. So do not tell me or point the finger at me telling me I am their leader or how you will kill me and keep the pressure up. I did not produce 1 terrorist ever and there is no record of me avoiding matters which escalated or expanded. This is like calling me a liberal, a communist, a thief or some spy; who is doing what?

Obama is also on a path to either destroy himself, his people, or this nation. He can neither save his own people than fight for this country. I have warned him, he will not go far when the country is at DEAFCON 5.

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