Wednesday, October 1, 2008


10/1/2008 3:11:48 PM

This is a public announcement. We regret to inform you that your government has been taken over by radical 1960s liberals and anti-war protestors who fooled us into believing they are or were Republicans, then conservatives, and now everybody is loosing their homes and socialism is being rammed down our throats. We have been hit and was captured and tortured by what appears to be John McCain’s story teller who is telling his church story. It is obvious no amount of education we can give them will produce a proper debate so long as they avoid the debate itself. No amount of education will produce a proper debate. They refuse to step down while ramming socialism down our throat and pound us until we or the nation crumbles. Now everybody is loosing their life savings if we do not transform into 1960s liberals and radicals. Keep getting rid of them until the day a proper debate on this problem is forward and the proper education to dispose of this junk and serial killer character. That is reactionary liberalism and their leaders absorb it while they pound us like terrorists or blow up the world. Sooner or later everybody is going to loose their entire life savings so long as this continues.

Cyber Warfare HQ
Bush fooled everybody he was a Republican to ram this down our throats and now everybody is loosing their entire life savings. Suckers! At least you did not spend three years in prison or was nearly crippled by John McCain's story teller! Ann I love you okay and hang in there, everything will be a okay babe! We got the military on the line, the real ones.

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