Tuesday, October 28, 2008


10/28/2008 2:28:29 AM

Ann Coulter is being grilled and judged as a congenial social swinger even if there is no hanky panky. Her attitude fits a social swinger, so is she or not? How many dates has she been on and how many times has she been asked out? She said it is exciting to be desired by men and she created a fantasy life... still getting her side of it. Hold tight and do not mourn yet. What is her intent and did it get the results? It got her an army of stalkers and deranged fans who she emails daily. Her name is right next to some of the worst sex offenders, lets here her side. I am well aware of what is going on in her life but so far it is not enough to betray her as her mate and life partner, maybe piss her off but not enough to leave her, stalker, or what I am witnessing.

I have the gift of hell and hearing her side, it is not pleasant. My story is not pleasant but you can decide quickly who is right. Hers is murky filled with dangerous risk and gambling until you loose it all. She has to answer and clear up the record at least with me. Yes, thanks for calling her and asking her out while this is ongoing.

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