It is day after day of rip offs and calling me a common nigger. You cannot do this to minorities and claim how superior you are or how you are more powerful; that is what you are doing now. You have and will condemn your side to a life of poverty; understand? Your life and the Bin family is gone; you are a total disaster; we can see your genocide and how you are sacrificing all of your people and troops. Condemning us and making us an effigy did not work. Ann is a sex kitten-total slut, I am a common nigger and have a complete mess of a lie, you are not racist or done anything wrong, it is all there in black and white. But is Ann a madwoman and a crazy-lady with a bag lady syndrome, got to go? Bin Limbaugh says if Ann is a crazy lady or not, a madwoman who will never be broken or listen to anyone. Most people see this as madness and a bad sign of some menial disorder. Who does Ann Coulter have next in line?
She is not able to defeat or get past this Bin Hannity problem and he keeps citing the concerts, dinner with her mom, and knowing what she is doing all the time or talking to her everyday. Bin Coulter don’t understand I am grossly fatigued by this and do not trust her either. Crack a bottle on him! The new masterpiece, “The Good and Bad Movie Called Show Me Your Boobies”: http://anncoulterloves.blogspot.com/
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