It is the Rush Limbaugh Day and Welcome Back, Sean Hannity can get lost and go away; we do not need him to tell we what the communist moles and terror plot is doing today or how they feel we are their girlfriends and there is no need for us to be on the job while they are on it. Sean, know your place and get lost and keep your nose out of our business and life. Kershaw sounds like he is saying you screwed up everything and are totally nuts but you brown nose a lot. Rush says he and they created Osama and could not create us or rewrite our life. Rush speaks about Colin Powell and John McCain as the greatest Generals. They are well past the rules and pages of felonies and a rap sheet of a fugitive on the run. Now they will do a cover up in front of everyone and tell them to shut up or face some wrath and retaliation? They want to put themselves in power and become not impeachable and irremovable? http://getthehelloutofmy.blogspot.com/
Listen to Rush, Osama, and John Connor upstairs! I have never seen a great military leader or any master who got his finger cut off one by one by his killing machines and Terminators; and he is still trying to order them around and command them. It sounds like the story of our little dictator and spy mole who we caught trying to beat us up and steal our life possessions. It is hard to command your killing machines when they cut your fingers off and laugh at you; you still do not fear them and think you are their masters. Lick them sexy fingers and let them know how delicious and sexy they are. They want a fight up until they get caught and are going around with a squirt gun threatening people now. Who thinks they are going to step down and quit the police force as an embarrassment? Try it the peaceful way and then finish them off. http://getthehelloutofmy.blogspot.com/
Sean explains why they are stalking us and wish to mate with spy hunters. They said Sean is too poor to sue and I need their legal help and Obama for reparations. I am too poor and have to go to jail under the stalking. We need the left and the Democrats because of racism, hate, terror plots and on our knees begging for their police chief. We beat all of their charges but they said we are desperate for their lawyers and control but cannot pay for it; and have no voice. They want some form of payments; said we are skipping town and denouncing citizenship to stash our money and escape tax charges. It is the voice of the Catholics and the poor, the left wing and this war on poverty. It is some form of legal scam and fraud by controlling the courts and police. Piss off Sean Bin Laden Hannity: http://cybwarsatwarhq.blogspot.com/
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