Rush Limbaugh first explains about the spy ring and the morphing process which created the terror plot: http://getthehelloutofmy.blogspot.com/
Now Sean Hannity explains in detail the spy ring, the rogue force, why this morph took place and power over Ann finally! Also, good news about Sean and Alicia; they used to be engaged, were going to have a tennis daughter, be union leaders, but now Alicia is getting married and Sean is giving her a bonus and not a boner as he planned: http://cybwarsatwarhq.blogspot.com/
Sean is blowing up and in so much trouble; he knows he is going to be fired and got set up again. He tries the “you are a horrible and despicable captive and hostage trick” and even that blows up on him. Sean, it is designed to make you horny, blow up, tick you off, go away, leave us alone, end the kidnapping, end the surveillance, disgust you, determine your location, and any information which can help to identify you. Are you an idiot, why are you mad and being abused, for no reason?
Ann said everything is good and she is alright.
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