Rush responds to Pentagon and CIA; he is thrashing and threatening to go nuclear and refuses to back down and surrender. Rush says he is not trying to make a comeback or walk away with his guns blaring or was: http://getthehelloutofmy.blogspot.com/
The sex life of Sean, Jill, and Patty Bin O’Hannity; no fear, no condoms, no birth control, no love and no limits; hey someone do a bacteria swab and get this answer or why they have only a few kids! Irish women have obese butts and a disgusting toxic waste wife because they do not believe in birth control and sex; only domination: http://cybwarsatwarhq.blogspot.com/
Analysis of Ann Coulter’s article. Alias TV series: Stop Crying Your Heart Out by Oasis (YouTube.com); cheer up Ann, it will be okay… I promise. They are only trying to scare me with the squirt gun and hitting my chest daily; no big deal okay. They said the Army will have to shoot them and “my god why won’t they join our side.” They are scared and want us to let them go.
The story of the Moynihan and Clinton families in Fairfax, Va.:
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