Look, for ten years you have broken and made every effort to break my life and those around me until my fiancé went to you. Deselected and merely threw back her efforts then began to stalk her and put her in some murder plot or after death desecration to exploit her gullible kindness while alive. It shows your character. We tried to resolve it peacefully and debate you clearly if you had a legal complaint. This was no legal complaint; it was a 911 style terror hit. You are worthless and should try to ask how much we were worth and who you did this too in order to determine what punishment and what the Terminator will do to you if he is out there.
Has Sean Bin Ladder Hannity ever killed before; a cold case as upstairs; if so he is cool as a cucumber and will not address one single charge while going full steam at us. The union goon upstairs is in a cold case, we know that night, and they are cruel-sadistic killers on the run. Sean says they are trash, unwanted and damned, valuable, and wish to infect and have babies with a polygamist white religion who feels black power and the holocause. If we do not like it, we have to call “mom” about bullies in life.
Is Sean Bin Ladder a human rodent or is he just using half truths and lies to control his environment while blinding others to some deception of his dark and drywall life?
Good news: Rush and Sean confirm that Obama-Clinton is pardoning the “New” Black Panther Party and unless we make payment or give them stimulus and medical insurance; there is going to be trouble because the “people wanted this” and “will give this to them because they desperately need it.” Hang them, what the hell are they waiting for? Put the Terminator on them!
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