Sean Hannnity finishes up the Hannity up with “just in case you are interested” and “willing to make payments” because he knows the end is near; he explains his side and his offer to “take care of us.” He keeps calling us his “liberal, Democratic, and Irish” friends on the other side. Sean Hannity says Bush got caught fighting the same battles: http://cybwarsatwarhq.blogspot.com/
(Why denouncing our citizenship is very real when this is done?) Mark Stein comments on whiter or not this country would be better off without Israeli spies and sleeper cells: http://getthehelloutofmy.blogspot.com/
Pat Bushannon says this country is better off without Sean Hannity and Pat Bush-cannon and he ought to know this and say it as a conservative and Republican but they exploit Ronald Reagan and wish to talk this out; so “talk” and not give us a one sided and be stingy with the truth: http://cybwarsatwarhq.blogspot.com/
When we say joy, happiness, friends, close allies, and the best; this jackass and moron shows up and thinks we are talking to and about them when we are not and they refuse to go away and we cannot get rid of them because they are there every step of the way, our teachers, and they are with us to the end; we have to love them, marry them, and give them a future to fulfill their pride and wish to help. Now what if we do not? If we do not then we get murder spree, conspiracy, terror plots, kidnappings, global killing sprees, our family targeted, kids never allowed to be born, one sided stories and slander of our consorts (wife, companion, life partner); and they talk to us as if we are their girlfriends.
They said this standoff is not over and they want to shoot it out with the Army; just like Greensboro, NC with the communists. It is them and the same standoff. They want a shootout and keep saying “where they at” and the Army to level them and their lies. We say honey and they always say yes. We say baby and they always say yes. We say right wing and spy hunters and they always say yes. We say American and they remain silent and hide. Who the hell is this and what the hell is their problem? Shoot them or shower them with love? You be the judge for us and our masters. They said where you at because here we are. As Neanderthals, they are behind the hate and racism policies along with a lot of crime and communism-terrorism.
(Why denouncing our citizenship is very real when this is done?) Great Lakes refuse to put a name or a supervisor only the following: There should not be any access to my life whatsoever, none. I had shut down all of the access and wanted to flush them out. They must figure out how to talk to me and “talk this out” as they claim. They must make contact and have no choice in this matter. The charges and the plot are tremendous. If they do not it will show arrogance, complicity, and behavior which has no bearing on why they did not make contact with our lawyers and federal prosecutors. They must make contact and I have shut down all access to my life; all.
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