Thursday, September 4, 2008


9/4/2008 2:57:10 PM

Schlafly is sort of like this phenomenon we are seeing or witnessing. Liberals just do not belong and so out of place but they say and do things which makes them sound more fake then we are. Do you get the feeling you do not fit in or belong also? Now why is this? Palin makes feminist, liberals, and the working class not fit in and not belong; yet they vote for her and scream her name. Hell, Ann Coulter can do a vaudeville dance and cheer better than she can and boy is it hot when she pulls her legs up. You have to love a complete mismatch.

Ann read this: Sara Palin vs. Phyllis Schlafly (clipped from Wikipedia)

This fits into the immigration pattern and the entire Midwest of unions, labor, manufacturing, and Catholic elitism. Can you accuse others of corruption and globalism is you are such a devout Catholic?

She grew up modest but was "forced" to attend private schools reserved for Catholic girls only (boarding school?) Christened Roman Catholic and family was devastated by the Great Depression but had to attend private Catholic school instead of eating. Graduate of Washington University and then Radcliffe women's college. Definitely roots of conservatism there; the female school of Harvard.

"In 1952, Schlafly ran unsuccessfully for Congress as a Republican in a Democratic district. It was another decade, however, before she came to national attention with A Choice, Not an Echo, millions of copies of which were distributed in support of Goldwater's 1964 presidential campaign. In it, Schlafly denounced the Rockefeller Republicans in the Northeast, accusing them of corruption and globalism. Critics called the book a conspiracy theory about "secret kingmakers" controlling the Republican Party.[12]" Schlafly is linked to both Ronald Reagan and B. Goldwater. Also, you have the roots of some WASP conspiracy here by "eastern liberals."

"In 1967, Schlafly lost her bid for the presidency of the National Federation of Republican Women after a vigorous campaign against the more moderate candidate Gladys O'Donnell of California. Schlafly's own next-door neighbor in Alton, a housewife and active Republican, accused her at the time of being "an exponent of an extreme right-wing philosophy - a propagandist who deals in emotion and personalities where it is not necessary to establish facts or prove charges." Outgoing NFRW president and future United States Treasurer Dorothy Elston of Delaware worked against Schlafly in the campaign.[13]" Do Catholics or the Catholic church act this way?

"She joined the John Birch Society but quit because she thought that the main Communist threats to the nation were external, rather than internal. In 1970, Schlafly again ran unsuccessfully for a House of Representatives seat in Illinois, losing to Democratic incumbent George E. Shipley." And now she caught the Rush Librawl syndrome.

"In 1992, her eldest son, John, was outed as homosexual by Queer Week magazine, which allegedly had published the story to punish his mother for her opposition to gay-rights legislation.[14][15] Schlafly has declined to comment on the matter in interviews." Got the gay syndrome switch at birth also.

"Schlafly has been an outspoken critic of "activist judges", particularly on the Supreme Court. In 2005, Schlafly made headlines at a conference for the Judeo-Christian Council for Constitutional Restoration by suggesting that "Congress ought to talk about impeachment" of certain Supreme Court justices[16], Justice Anthony Kennedy being the primary target. In 2006, Schlafly provided an interview which appeared in the March 30 New York Times in which she attributed improvement in women's lives during the last decades of the twentieth century to labor-saving devices such as the indoor clothes dryer and paper diapers.[17]" Kennedy and the women's movement go hand in hand; such as the Equal Rights Amendment.

"This was immediately met with objection by some University students and faculty who accused her of being anti-feminist and criticized her work on defeating the equal rights amendment[18]. Fourteen university law professors wrote in a complaint letter that Schlafly's career demonstrated "anti-intellectualism in pursuit of a political agenda." " Sounds like Ann Coulter almost and her Missouri Catholic crowd who are determined.

"At the May 16, 2008 commencement ceremony, Schlafly was awarded a doctor of humane letters degree. During the ceremony, hundreds of attendees, including about a third of the graduating students and some faculty, silently stood and turned their backs to Schlafly in protest.[23][20][24] In the days leading up to the commencement there were several protests regarding her degree award, Schlafly described these protesters as "a bunch of losers."[25] In addition, she stated after the ceremony that the protesters were "juvenile" and that "I'm not sure they're mature enough to graduate."[23] As planned, Schlafly did not give any speech during the commencement ceremony, nor did any of the other honorees except for commencement speaker Chris Matthews.[26]" Our buddy Chris Mathews.

Schlafly has "machismo." The special adrenaline rocked maleness which sets her as a breed apart. Rush Librawl has the same admiration of her. They are like, on duty and holding each other prisoner in a mutual love. "In opposing ERA, Schlafly argued that "the ERA would lead to women being drafted by the military and to public unisex bathrooms."[28] Her views were opposed by Pro-ERA groups, led by the National Organization for Women (NOW) and the ERAmerica coalition.[29] The amendment was narrowly defeated, having already been passed in 35 states.[6]" Weird. Sgt. Schlafly bayonets her opponent in the gut and stomps on their head.

This is barbaric, "Some of Schlafly's critics have said that her work against the ERA, and its subsequent failure, resulted in government intervention in aspects of society such as sexual discrimination,[31] and convinced many women that they should be satisfied to live through the state.[31]"

Complete mismatch but love it, "According to the 28 March 2007 article in the Washington Post, "New Drive Afoot to Pass Equal Rights Amendment," Schlafly is working towards the defeat of a new version of the Equal Rights Amendment: "Today, she warns lawmakers that its passage would compel courts to approve same-sex marriages and deny Social Security benefits for housewives and widows."[28]"

Again, the Ann Coulter syndrom. "The feminist activist Gloria Steinem and the author Pia de Solenni, among others, have noted what they consider irony in Schlafly's role as an advocate for the full-time mother and wife, while being herself a lawyer, editor of a monthly newsletter, regular speaker at anti-liberal rallies, and political activist.[32][33][34] In her review of Schlafly's Feminist Fantasies, de Solenni writes that "Schlafly's discussion reveals a paradox. She was able to have it all: family and career. And she did it by fighting those who said they were trying to get it all for her... Happiness resulted from being a wife and mother and working with her husband to reach their goals." "

A sure thing, "Schlafly has been criticized for dispersing alleged disinformation about sex education in the public schools and working against federally funded day care and abortion.[35] She has described sex education classes as "in-home sales parties for abortions."[36]"

It takes two to tangle: "Accordingly, she opposed U.S. President Bill Clinton's decision in 1996 to send twenty thousand American troops to Bosnia. Schlafly noted that Balkan nations have fought one another for five hundred years and that the U.S. military should not be "policemen" of world trouble spots.[40]"

Another case of Liberals never fitting in, "Prior to the 1994 congressional elections, Schlafly condemned globalization through the World Trade Organization as a "direct attack on American sovereignty, independence, jobs, and economy . . . any country that must change its laws to obey rulings of a world organization has sacrificed its sovereignty."[41]"

The champs and the perfect blend, "However, Schlafly has expressed dissatisfaction with the modern GOP. Though she has not been actively involved in the neoconservative/paleoconservative schism, her positions on many issues resemble those of a paleoconservative. Like Patrick J. Buchanan, whom she supported for the 1996 GOP nomination, she contends that President George W. Bush "has muddied up the meaning of conservative." Schlafly writes, "Bush ran as a conservative, but he has been steadily (some might say stealthily) trying to remold the conservative movement and the Republican Party into the Bush Party. And the Bush Party stands for so many things alien to conservatism, namely, war as an instrument of foreign policy, nation-building overseas, highly concentrated executive power, federal control of education, big increases in social entitlements, massive increases in legal and illegal immigration, forcing American workers to compete with low-wage foreigners (under deceptive enticements such as free trade and global economy), and subordinating U.S. sovereignty to a North American community with open borders." "

Boy does the truth hurt, "However, despite such criticisms, the Eagle Forum defended the party before the 2006 elections: "We cannot let our dissatisfaction and disappointment with some members of the Republican Party keep us from voting for the good guys - the ones who really are leaders for the conservative cause".[42]"

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