I think it is time to make this very clear. For the past several weeks, both Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity have been openly promoting and coming to the assistance of politico.com and trying to “seize” the conservative voice without either fact checking or proper investigation. They should be removed and if not then the Republican Party should have their feet held to the fire on why their party is or has been plagued with lies and corruption. Are we supposed to bow down to them? Why are these two voices of “overt” conservatism opposing and kissing up to Ann and myself?
Let’s make this very clear, they are coming to the aid and actually promoting politico.com as if they were behind it and now are trying to cover it up. Then they began to make statements such as “we want her back” and various other fat and ignorant deceptions only because they are cowards and weaklings. Maybe even traitors who can be paid off and bought; also, none of them have any military experience or any members of their immediate family who have been in Vietnam or any espionage experience. None yet we are held to the fire almost like a murder pact. They have nothing to stand on.
For the past month or more both Rush and Sean have openly tried to turn the tide; hanging on as some gospel while kissing up and throwing themselves at others like a broken in choir boy and his master preacher. Look, we do not care what they are made of or how rotten they are. We just want them removed if they are letting this crap run loose and run amuck on their own side while constantly insisting how everybody else is not as conservative or has money. Look, you want to go to war, do so. If you want to sneak around like some lizard that neither has any experience or any tradition in the Cold War, then do not seize the party of it and now try to save your own skin. If you can compete then that is one thing but this is about insisting who is more “fake” like some street ghetto tree club.
The best word is fraud and a total liar, a predator. Taking credit, stealing wind, and buying your name; we have been fighting this enemy for a long time and we come from a long heritage of this and now they magically appear all around us and extremely close to us throwing money in our faces and lies about how they overtly support some attempt to break Ann and myself up. Why do they care about Ann and me in the first place and why do they keep saying “we want her back.” Get lost you loser what is your malfunction? See, this game is simple; all you have to do is ask instead of carry it out day after day after day like some liberal pulling off some fraud and being chased down. Rotten and always needing to be corrected is a general frustration with liberals not conservatives no matter how much hamburgers you can stuff downs your joker painted face.
Ann and I are truly in love and have been partners. If you have a problem with that, then get out of our life. We do not watch you and your wife have sex or go on vacation with you and try to drive you apart by inviting you to drugs and this crazy lifestyle you always speak out against but never truly understand. Get your hand out of our pants and we will gladly let you off the hook. Also, here is some advice; go find love and figure out why nobody can love you or want you.
You sow your own love life not buy it. Get lost out of our love life and stop trying to break it up or make some crazy story about how she flirts with you, wants you, throws herself at you, etc… how can she even be a prize for you to fight me over, she will rip your head off but you do not come out of hiding. Ask her to her face if you got the guts and let her rip you apart you loser. You are a loser living in a fantasy world and the same problem we have with liberals is this right here. Getting yelled for being a liberal while on the conservative side and throwing money around; when are the conservatives going to clean up their act and get rid of you clowns.
So this is a clear message for both Rush and Sean and we do not play this “tickle you fancy” game and drag this out like some liberal conspiracy. The word is a fraud and a fake and then people act this way when they are threatened or exposed. You are dumb and dirt stupid, why would I or Ann listen to you in the first place or want you breathing downs our neck. Rush, go and hit on Lisa De Pasquale, that is your match and you two are meant to be together with your brand of conservatism. You people got a problem and a serious malfunction, get over it okay. That is conservatism not some coward or traitor.
You read how real I and Ann are and how much we love each other and you explain what you did and what you tried and failed. If you have the guts…
Terrorists: (conspiracy?)
Cyber Warfare HQ
"In 1952, Schlafly ran unsuccessfully for Congress as a Republican in a Democratic district. It was another decade, however, before she came to national attention with A Choice, Not an Echo, millions of copies of which were distributed in support of Goldwater's 1964 presidential campaign. In it, Schlafly denounced the Rockefeller Republicans in the Northeast, accusing them of corruption and globalism. Critics called the book a conspiracy theory about "secret kingmakers" controlling the Republican Party.[12]" Schlafly is linked to both Ronald Reagan and B. Goldwater. Also, you have the roots of some WASP conspiracy here by "eastern liberals."
(Missouri and Midwest brand of nationalist conservatism) "She joined the John Birch Society but quit because she thought that the main Communist threats to the nation were external, rather than internal. In 1970, Schlafly again ran unsuccessfully for a House of Representatives seat in Illinois, losing to Democratic incumbent George E. Shipley." And now she caught the Rush brand of conservative syndrome. It is libertarianism and existentialism.
"This was immediately met with objection by some University students and faculty who accused her of being anti-feminist and criticized her work on defeating the equal rights amendment [18]. Fourteen university law professors wrote in a complaint letter that Schlafly's career demonstrated "anti-intellectualism in pursuit of a political agenda." “Sounds like Ann and my friends who cannot leave us alone.
Schlafly has "machismo." The special adrenaline rocked maleness which sets her as a breed apart. Rush Librawl has the same admiration of her. They are like, on duty and holding each other prisoner in a mutual love. "In opposing ERA, Schlafly argued that "the ERA would lead to women being drafted by the military and to public unisex bathrooms."[28] Her views were opposed by Pro-ERA groups, led by the National Organization for Women (NOW) and the ERAmerica coalition.[29] The amendment was narrowly defeated, having already been passed in 35 states.[6]" Weird. Sgt. Schlafly bayonets her opponent in the gut and stomps on their head. How about the perfect blend, can you see the perfect blend or not or only money? Lying is not patriotism.
The truth hurts doesn’t it? Say it, the truth hurts more than lying and faking it. You refused to treat Ann as a married woman and a professional and now you are in deep trouble. You must finish her and I off or cover up your covert effort. Rush, Sean, and even Maher; unleash your anger on Lisa De Pasquale who is your lover match. Ann is not and never will be your match and meant to be, meant to be with no manipulation; let go loser. You did not treat her as a married woman and professional because you are not really conservatives. I am fed up and getting really sick of this whiny little pathetic loser.
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