This is pissing me off and even with 20 years and your dossier; even I am jealous, pissed, and perplexed. I need you. I need you to make this real. If you fail in marriage and love, then there is nothing. Make it real and I need you. There is so much going on and they are digging in, do not go on offensive if they dig in. Listen to me, I am the best on the battlefield; do not get gung ho if they dig in or think their chasers are running scared. I got mad at you already and this is a total mess.
Make it real and understand I need you now. Yes they messed it up and more but I need you now and they are making excuses to me and offering your head. Your deranged stalker, who is on your conservative or Republican side, is offering your head for my cards and our mission. Stay away from them until they stop running and I can position. I want to apprehend them and take them alive to eradicate this monolith not be their friend or in on the conspiracy. They are deranged and unpredictable worse; jaded and a lot of regrets. It is like shooting at the police for a basic traffic stop, a traitor.
Aren’t those the playground bullies who tried to beat up you and me up to tell us how tough they were and how smart and shallow we are? They are mad because we are smart and beat them. That is the girl who tried to beat you up and tried some crazy crap on commandoes of the last line of defense? They must be real and tough. They invaded this nation and our life because they are bullies and predators.
They left me for dead unless I joined the unions. They will leave you for dead in the love life and marriage unless you are a hooker or raped. They forget the dossiers. I am revealing our dossiers and they are mad and everybody knows what they are up to because our dossier was being written by bias or a long time ago. Your weak point is your love life and my weak point was money. They know this dates back to Vietnam and you are with an Asian military guy. They pinned you as racist and all kinds of falsity. Now they cannot get out of it. Do not make any tactical errors; stay in synch and synchronize now that we are 10 years last place. We do not have to do anything, I have World War III and they blocked our life mission.
Now they went mad and all they say is “we do not want to die” or “don’t hurt us.” Why aren’t they arrested? Why are they arresting us? What the hell is going on? Has anyone ever seen a bully or a predator like this who says “you all do not care about anybody?” We just refuse to lie that is all and we have to or must lie to achieve victory. Now we are near victory. I need you, do not ruin that. Now they are not blind and can see the entire mess.
Just so you know, the people who tried to murder your family said you wanted to go to their parties and begged for an invitation. They offered you something for my head. Now they said we were or are revolting against their success. They said you are begging and flirting with them and that is why they stalked you and planned to humiliate you with some sex scandal or who and what was going on in your body. They had not gotten anything yet and asked if I could help or would. They are sending invites to you and turning around to use it against you, like an embassy party with spies. Now the jackass wants a photo op and to take the credit or share the victory and not their defeat. They did not do anything if they are in the victory.
I do not want you around them any longer. They will murder you. I know them well and spent a decade as their prisoner or monitoring them. They will strike out when you are vulnerable and not suspecting. They are desperate and will murder you as tried on me and look at them now. Did you see how they offered your head and blamed you for everything? Just to win and save their asses, they are willing to offer your head and lie about you. I know it is a lie and have your dossier. You cannot be a hermit but you are dating while in love and a fiancé. We are supposed to do everything together also in reverence and references. The problem was I am a very unhappy (disappointed) stud and live a wild life as a commando, very curious and fearless, for the day. Everybody is incompetent or stupid; and they hate me more than I hate them.
Now everybody has our dossier and I am throwing down three cards and an open challenge; World War III, satellite warfare, and the next 200 plus years of political real estate. Even the CIA and KGB want this and above them and it is right there for their analysts; they see it and know we are going to win it or why. They cannot win and have to play along now and you are vulnerable. Do as I say and lay low they have our IP address and stalking us.
If we do not marry we will loose everything; do not make this mistake again; and if so I will make it. They are dug in and we are not, that was stupid to go on offense and you see what happened, they knew you were gung ho. I need you, not them. Just so you know, someone is plotting your demise now that they failed with mine. They had forced me to become some left wing leader and to join some war protest. Now the focus is on you. The main problem as I have said is your dating life. You dated while in love and you used people. Some for good reason and some for bad reasons, girls do this all the time to get near or get the attention of their love interest and who they have a life long crush on. You used them on one date scenarios and you created a lot of resentments.
They feel entangled in our love life and now the poison is in me also. As one body now, I too am injured by your dating life or this obsession with you being a sleazy whore, hoe, and always flirting. Somebody has to come forward and you need to strike them down. At most the closest I have seen verifiable is you are an excellent drinking buddy (use your imagination) and a few reports by women who say you stay out all night and get so drunk. You cannot be a hermit but you are dating while in love and a fiancé.
Everybody knows women are horny when drunk and like to fool around. You must have kept me and our 20 years secret and used people, good or bad, to be with me. I am not going to be mad if your intentions were being ruined and attacked which is pretty evident. You can Google “Christmas” or “New Years” and read yourself and the dates. They set you up and you blocked them. I read the Irish housewife blog also and the old Christmas parties.
Anyone you talk to is a sex scandal except me. They put so much effort in destroying you and being some peeping tom, they are obsessed and stalking more and more. You are hitting them harder and harder and they become angry, humiliated, and not willing to give up. That is pretty close to rape even if they want to pay you millions and give you a better life than what I can offer. We cannot complain or take a direct legal action so far. Slander and reputation is only if it is verifiable and has a negative impact.
The main argument and main points which is circling you is mission, race, and the issues of Vietnam – 1960s maturation. The next level is unification. To do this the center of the world now is Asia. It is a WASP issue and a race issue; liberal versus conservative. We stepped on and were blind sided by a liberal spy ring and conspiracy to dominate. They are attacking me on race. They are attacking you on race also. Now they got silenced and I will move in when I can have a good shot and break their backs. They can run on empty until I get that open shot and come in as they are doing on you now. This is the devil and I know this.
You know and I know I am Asian. So why do you have two candidates who are portraying themselves as Asian friendly? Are they trying to win over Asia and dominate the world? The communist already tried this and now want to give it another try but this time to save communism. They will ruin your love life if not already and do the same thing they did with me; circle you, block any and all happiness, then sit and wait all your life. That is murder and how they starve people with attrition but your love life is what your weakness is.
Now it is known that you played them and your strongest asset. You got them beat all across the boards. What they did to me, you covered behind their backs and what they did to you, and I got covered behind their backs. If we are allowed to be together again, all of their efforts will go to waste and they will be a total failure. They (Rush as their spokesperson and Obama and McCain) are stating they did this and are mad because we were revolting against how successful they are. The word no is not good enough and the truth is not either. They want to share the victory and first place, we are in second place.
If they win the Asians they will dominate the world again like the 1960s. They did not even know we are partners for 20 years and already had them before they began. What will they try now? They know they cannot win. They know they cannot block our mission. They know it is either you or them. You and I have been through too much in life to call it quits and give up; even if and no matter what; we are stuck together and in this with no way out.
We have no way out and need to start dating or marry as soon as possible okay. You said “I do already” and I need you to make it real now; no more games or missions. Everybody is in over their heads and have no way out but only one of us will win and survive, that is survival and global domination; we busted them and now they are hiding. You see how they surrounded you and me? I have racists kidnapping me to turn on you. You have racism kidnapping you and turning on you. Now they are all messed up and you got them and I got them on this end. Now it is just basic infantry tactics and grid posture, boots to the ground. They are negotiating to hold their positions and dug in deep.
They have you beat on experience. Protectors of Asians, patriotic soldiers and heroes, bipartisan and able to unify, race friendly, labor oriented and unionized, and a total mess now. They will be exposed and be in a submission holding if we complete our mission. If they stop us, then they will be viewed as traitors sabotaging World War III; that was their effort to steal it and our mission and they got caught off guard. The only way after 10 years of stalking, destroying us, and making me a loser and you a slut is to isolate and try to kill us.
They left me for dead unless I joined the unions. They will leave you for dead in the love life and marriage unless you are a hooker or raped. They forget the dossiers. I am revealing our dossiers and they are mad and everybody knows what they are up to because our dossier was being written by bias or a long time ago. Your weak point is your love life and my weak point was money. They know this dates back to Vietnam and you are with an Asian military guy. They pinned you as racist and all kinds of falsity. Now they cannot get out of it. Do not make any tactical errors; stay in synch and synchronize now that we are 10 years last place. We do not have to do anything, I have World War III and they blocked our life mission.
There is no way unless they step down. The pressure I am putting on them will make the spy ring and terrorist cell implode; look at the cards I have and am playing, the last line of defense and World War III, millions of lives and military soldiers. That was our mission and now we are stuck in this other one which is strange. I am keeping my cards and holding my cards so nobody can steal them until this is resolved. If they get it they will escape. They are evil and you know this and they are goading both you and me because they are bullies who were or are rejected. They want a victory and got dealt a loss because of bullying and failure in efforts. The military is almost broken and fatigued also, things are getting bad. You are not in heaven yet.
If they can share the victory and expunge or get a Presidential pardon for the spy ring or terrorist cell, they will share our us victory. Make it, me and you real as soon as possible… I have waited all my life also for this and we almost lost everything.
– Cyber Warfare HQ - (for the audience and stalkers who think my problem is I live in a hut and do not have a chance in hell against communists, my picture at age 40 years old)
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