I wish I had the power and strength to do what the editor of the biggest military newspaper did; however, I am all entangled and the voice of god chugs, trips, and stumbles all the time now. Is Ann Coulter a trouble kid and a pain in the ass honkey honey? I hate and I cannot stand these types, cannot stand them. I was kidnapped in 1998 and for better or worse am stuck with Ann; I do not know if I like it yet because she has not told me all; she says it is all work and no play. She says she worked to the bone for us and I see this 80 to 90 per cent; the rest I am kept away and her secret life. I have no idea, she could be and may have been... that is why I had said no and she cried, begged, and asked for my friendship as she tried to work this out; I gave her the benefit of the doubt; but I must say I got stuck with her and she is not who I ordered up or dream of. She dreams of me. I see her as some difficult pain in the ass catholic kid who I despise and associate with ADHD, bipolar, or unions. I like the Alexis Glick types who are in total control and goes in there and just stabs the fuck out of people and is professional about it, no drama or emmotions. Insulting the voice of God and the military? Stomping on the pure and genuine heart? Military wives cannot be exposed to this secret life and unconvincing behavior of a bad honky being rescued.
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