If you like the “True Colors” and the skin meets skin version of the slave ship, half ass whitey being knifed, half ass slave trader and Uncle Toms in government offices, a half ass negro slave trader with hair plugs being knife by a genuine victim, the story of dead cracker Bin Hannity, charity ranches we all can donate and get tax deductions for lifetime job security, Bin Levin discussing terror plots, and the story of sister Alexis knifing a half negro slave trader sailing around on a slave flotilla and holding charity concerts (add race hoaxes); then this is a major league dooly. Yes, have beer summits, discuss torture, build prison like places to house worse honkies, invade oil nations, break the back of the military, run the economy into the ground, and sit there as if nothing is going on while fool-aid is distributed and forced medicated by the police and a new medical system; it is a love story, just say yes!
Dear Ann Coulter (good job-good record) is this about who she fights-what team she is on and what she is debating as a bad honky leader; or what they answer honestly and being court marshaled: http://responses2satwar.blogspot.com/
Come to America if anybody needs a kidney! Bin Limbaugh-Hannity says “wanna buy a US kidney I got from a seller… maybe the blue dog pills, I got many sellers of them” and the eruption of riots in rural areas where electric cannot keep the lights on at hospitals. Bo says that he finally managed to stop the free fall of unemployment and things are starting to turn around and those who created the mess to stop talking and get out of the way. We still do not know and they are still picking up on the good vibrations to cover it all up and it is a total disaster; but we cannot clean anything up until we get the truth and this is being denied and obstructed. Here is the problem; we need answers and crystal clear ones. Are captives and prisoners suffering while they are headed to Oz and on the northern path to destruction? Next it is cop induced cool-aid and People’s Temple hostility; also forced medication of poetical opposition and “unfit to stand trial.” Drink the kook-aid or else the police union will invade your home!
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