Rush Bin Limbaugh says they get what they want, is calling an emergency session to save their political career, families are suffering, poor people end up suffering, was to solve their own political crisis, monumental political crisis and trying to save face, this will destroy poor families but there is no other way. Listen to the 911 terrorists as we corner them and knife the mother fucker; to demand four documents and smack him around about sex tapes, humiliating female pundits, denying legal services, delaying the capture and imprisonment of deadly terrorists, and ripped apart for pretending as if they are our parents, mentors, and guardians who want to be… pay taxes and bills. When did we ever have a problem with self sufficiency father? Who is this police force we cannot make it without and need?
He cannot even protect or cover up; getting ready to go down and taking heavy blows to the face. Tell us whose money and who is the parents or what is going on again? The dead honky 911 terrorists say terrorism and communism is the only way, necessary and by design. Building trust and bonding with the kidnappers blew up on them! How many warnings did they avoid in 1998-1999? Even though they have full knowledge, I am sick of this bullshit and getting blamed for all of their terrorism and three pages of felonies. They blame us and punish us. They created and violated three pages; then make us shoulder the punishments; what the fuck and demand money? Who is this rogue and secret police trying to build trust, bond with, and is stalking us like T2 and John Connors?
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