Since you now know what it feels like to be molested; can I ask you how much pain you are in? Is the level of pain 3 or 5? Or is the molestation feeling at 8 or 9? Or are the lesson you learned and the sting you got so off the charts, it is 17 or 20? How much pain are you in and what will you do to get even or settle the score? Right now if I am not mistaken, we only taught you a lesson and you still try to molest us in our own homes or are up to the same insect like rodent life where you come to our homes, work, and life and knock on the door in order to come in or invade it. You live by molesting others and you of all people know what that feels like royally; do you admit this? That is just the pain you inflict on others and I think you break down and cry because you know who got the best out of this fight.
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