Rush asked the hard questions, media break down, anger and ginning up outrage, revolting, www.Frudge.com ; FDR, JFK, 911 links: http://getthehelloutofmy.blogspot.com/
Listen to these people on the Sean Hannity show and how they refuse to come forward and criticize about a sex scandal while hiding a terror plot! Sanford did a sacrifice play and got the better in this fight. Listen to Mit-chelle hide her secret plot and conspiracy. Sean says he is only conservative and not a Republican. Sanford wants them to come forward like him; it is not the end of the world. Sean finally explains the sex game he is playing with Ann Coulter while Ann Coulter finally explains she is not a cop but is acting like one to catch a very clever and deceptive spy mole and enemy.
Mark Sanford screwed up but is trying to make it right and take them out. Sanford obviously messed up but like combat and military, he jumps up and gets hit and says get them back. I was wondering why he was “out to get him” and what you all were going to do when he went after you and sided with us. Now you are silenced again but listen to Mit-chelle. Sean says “really getting tougher… went out of his way.” Sanford set them up but he messed up his personal life. Notice how Sean Hannity never tries this on Fox News and how they are on to him.
6/24/2009 8:43 PM If I was in Iran and they did that to me, I would wage war on them and kick their asses until they crawled and begged for mercy; but we know I am not in Iran; and I would never wage war and destroy a domestic enemy and nuisance.
Dear Ann Coulter, Sean Hannity has finally described and explains your “intimate conversations” with him. Read what he said, you are in a lot of trouble:
He needs to understand Ann is very mad at what they did to me and our mission; what is our mission Sean? Do you know how important it is and what you did or tried? What military secrets did you try to steal and what is our mission? How many times will you try to wreak havoc and wreck up that mission? Why are you still?
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