Rush says that soon, 14 year orders will get stalked by Sean Hannity or Rush Limbaugh copy cats! They need more young blood and fresh recruits. Rush says they are rattling our cage with the APS technology and know we are not playing games with them. We are dead serious and refuse to have a dialogue with this spy ring and terrorist plot. We are not trying to show off. These are their best and masterminds and master spies. We humiliate and mistreat them daily.
Sean Hannity admits he is suicidal and reaching out for help but he is with us all the way and we are all communists and terrorists deep down and they can bring this out of anybody if they kidnap them and torment and torture them for over a decade. One day with them and you will go crazy, try ten years and being in federal prison or arrested twice for total lies and being framed for not being a communist or spy. Read about how they are armed robbers and cold blooded murderers. Pat Buchanan now tries to talk to us and confesses. These are the typical kidnappers, they brandish weapons, tell the commandos and hostage rescuers they mean no harm and are peaceful; then end up dead or with the death penalty in a raid or arrest. These types of kidnappers and hostage takers usually end up dead by military and police commandos. We are not novices here and we know the subject well.
Let them hang themselves now, then fire them and block them, indict them, and ask if they wish to tell us about the 911 terror plots, the spy ring, and why we must bag every single one of them. Are they suicidal or just playing games with us until the last two minutes and final hours? They are with us all the way to the end but one of us will get a federal indictment and terror charges along with a slew of espionage charges. Thanks a bunch for bringing them to the USA and opening every single door to our life. Let me guess, contributing to the violence on conservatives instead of liberals?
Dear Ann Coulter, Rush is so jealous, he won't be back until next week because he has been invited to a gold tournament. Also, Sean said this was the worst day of his career and life; it gets worse and worse until the story and the 911 terror plot is in their own words. We got kidnapped and we fought them will all we got; now we need the people who get paid for this to earn their paycheck and earn the medals and legendary stature we had to show or throw down. They must be with us all the way to the end also. Ann, I love you too.
Good job, at least you are hitting real targets and making them hurt instead of pissing me off; Rush nearly blew up and Sean was about to cry. They still are insane and obsessed with you. They chase me around the house also trying to anger and torment me. We are so proud of them and wish to thank them with all our hearts when the federal indictments are issued and their doors are kicked down. I told you they screw their own kids. I would not use the word predator; go up a little higher and add five or ten to the scale; that is who we are dealing with. Love you too.
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