Dear Rush, it took you a long time to figure out "I seen... and you are not my friend!" I have one reply for you, "IDIOT." Pass this one to Savage also, the truth is a one way street, not a two way, three way orgy to hell! If I have to explain the truth is not a two way street, then you are definitely have anthrax spores on your crotch and infested with swine flue in your pants, "ouch" I know... it really hurts. We are that cruel and so guilty of this inability to love idiots. At least they are not cannibals or screw their own kids! Rush admits there is no lie which can satisfy his story and he has no alibi for 911 or excuse ready.
Ann says Sean is ready to "vacation in Florida with the kids" and is ready to "propose a Vegas concert." Go for it Sean and read the tea leaves, what do you have to loose besides everything! Levin will be the best man! Rush will be the preacher and Floyd will be the driver. There is a class act and with the kids! (Ann said you have never come over or were invited, where do you vacation? She got a tip from a girlfriend about "her" while you are on vacation and chasing trim. Intel says you should ask "her" at dinner if it is true.) I heard "rondog" got fired for inappropriate behavior and stalking.
Analysis of Ann Coulters "Notre Dame Holds... for...” The new Klan but this time they are burning crosses in hospital wards. Call me delusional but I swear they were hooded and had scrubs on. They wanted my first born. They threw human blood at me and called me a witch. They had bottles and jars of fetuses which were intended to scare me off. I played cool but it was burning in me and I had to say to Annie, "Ann that was not funny" and she said back, "Alex, it was not meant to be." It is not just blacks anymore, it is babies now! March for babies and let freedom ring! (Ann, how often do these people have abortion as a family issue, yearly?) Obama is this kind of person, "there are always two stories and the truth is always somewhere in between" (he means his ass). Won't be long Mr. Obama, repealing Roe v. Wade would boost your damned Presidency when it collapses; you can go from a 1 to a 2 out of a 10 score. Think about it because you have to choose a side and trust one side or nobody. The army of the damned is imploding and going to collapse, they have been stopped by the might of their lies; go down in a blaze of glory and resist them; get them back for the evil they impose on this world and country. That is the only card but 2 is always better than 1.
"...Abortion is about the future of the unborn and where you may see crime as shameless; I tend to take a view that I would never utilize an abortion deny the future of an unborn human being. Now, because you are so shameless when it comes to crime and wish to live so much, some of you think crime and abortion is a direct intersection and I am to support both crime and abortion. You see, you just created two problems, not one. Like usual, you hide behind both conservatism and even religion to stake a claim how tough and how you sacrifice for the poor and underprivileged. So never address or speak about abortion if you refuse to also address the same crime occurring with the future of the unborn which we know you all will deny with politics and democracy." - May 18, 2009 by Author -
On Iran and the Netanyahu meeting: When you play by the sword, you die by the sword. I have nothing to say. If you play by the sword for a full century, how long do you think it would take to change? I am not going to change that or resolve brittle sugar candy which will cause a cavity or toothache.
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