5/26/2009 2:23:31 PM Rush Limbaugh says Colin Powell is asking they be less radical and he also discusses the details of his homosexuality and operation. Rush says they are loved as liars and beloved by those who “want to hear” lies. Is Rush Limbaugh a homosexual and did we conduct any tests or probes on him to determine if he was or not? The conclusion is yes. Rush Limbaugh is an “exclusive” homo-erectus magna cum load of crap. He like all others before him are cut from the same mold, in harms way, and loves to share with others. Rush says they are not FARC and a copy cat group. It is for a good cause. Their job was to show new spies and moles how to attack and destroy America, the school for moles and scandal. They are good to Colin Powell and minorities. Rush talks about Cuba, mob, Bush, illegal immigration, political asylum, espionage, the homeland, welfare for persecution, and Pelosi lying to Congress about all of this.
Sean Hannity says I am not a Yankee factory worker who is desperate and dependent seeking your vote and approval. I am a farm boy and a southern self sufficient, hunting-fishing in-country; not one of "them." Sean, we live in the outdoors and I hunt and fish since I was a child. I hunted and fished all of Virginia and Quantico Marine Base (Lake Dalton, Main Reservoir, the Air Field Bridge and mouth near gym, and several other ponds); this includes the salt water areas and Bay. That is how I was raised by the Ranger officers. They are breaking into this because they are losing the south for the first time. Sean is in agreement and thinks like Rush and Cheney; most especially Rove and Buchanon. A Yankee desperate for southern pride and self sufficiency or a country life style where the outdoors is emphasized because it shows a dominating maleness that is not threatening to America.
On Obama and the Supreme Court nomination:
I am not sure who is more slippery, Rush Limbaugh or Barrack Obama. Neither one believes in or professes self sufficiency yet both claim morality and freedom. Now the Obama Supreme Court nominee proves how he and they must be removed and never allowed back in this country. They are playing a game of what they can get away with and to catch them if we can and we did; now they are denying that game they challenge others with. They say catch us if you can but once caught; retract and deny what the open challenge is about. So they cheat and become lawless. The Obama Supreme Court nominee is how pathetic they are with legalism and the economy; it extends their life and political career. The nation is safe from external threats at this time and luckily the military is checking their work to make sure they are not hoodwinking and stealing more. It is the grand deception on panic mode. This woman is out of touch with the country and the future of the nation, worse she knows it! The court has a tradition of this and this is why we are here now at a mess. Obama cannot say Bush is the cause of this mess when he knows who that mess is about; him. It is a mess because it is about him. Deny her confirmation; she is out of touch and a major threat.
The problem is self sufficiency and desperate or destitute Yankee laborers and liberals who are suffering. The south and southerners is more self sufficient if you believe that; they have a thriving industrial base at this time because they are from self sufficient farms, not labor unions. The north lost their industrial base but still have the educational system they built up. They still have their elite gentry and liberal cronies. Is this to extend their power and influence into the next century? It will be their last act and will finish it. Things do not work correctly at this time if Obama is paying attention. There are trillions of dollars missing and it will take time to sort this out. Where did trillions of tax dollars go, in someone's pocket? Gillibrand and Coumo said Obama better deliver and they are guilty as hell; so there is no way out; both are pushing this nomination and a quick confirmation. CIA already said they know their side lied to Congress and did this because they know who the enemy is. Then to cover it up they took this to the public and lied again. Obama is good one week and then has to be beaten down the next when he cannot prolong his political strength. The parasitic effect of New York and the open door to cause trouble; they live a "no rescue doctrine" thus are genuine traitors. The New York Court of Appeals is as liberal and out of touch with the country as you can get. They are all cronies and criminals.
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