Ann Coulter is New York! You are dealing with people who put you in bad situations, give you a bad experience, and then stick your nose in it and ask if it is that bad? The mistake of the past is of course why and how corrupt the police have been and how this mess is out of control now. I really do not like New York but they always want to be there and to be part of America; while they leech off of it. I do not know why she kept hanging out with weirdoes while in DC and then after she left DC; I do not know and lost track because I was in prison and in a lot of trouble. I woke up one day targeted and with a death sentence by the left wing and liberals who now call themselves “reformed conservatives.”
Is Ann merely a safety net and a last ditch if I am not able to find a proper woman and get a rescue? The last option or the first choice? They will not save anyone, only themselves. All they want is the limelight and the credit. Ann is there to torment them. If Ann is there to drive me crazy then she did and is currently. The cheapest and quickest way is the truth. Ann is asking if we must hate America because justice is not reality. Ann thinks her enemies will fix her life and mine or the government will; she is gullible because they are the ones behind it; but is she? It is odd when we cannot get an answer from these people and they use the media to respond without any name behind it.
More on the Binghamton, NY shooting at "Immigrant" Central:
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