Rush says that Air Force One takes a chain of command in order to call it up for a photo op. Air force won flew by the Statue of Liberties and Obama was not on board. When this is over fire them!

The Live! Sean "McVeigh" use-me bin lying badly: Sean says I had dinner with Ann and her mom and we were engaged. Ann says "there is something I did not tell you Alex" and Alex says "Ann who is this stupid" and does this much poor work? Do you care about anybody or just yourself? It is up to Sean and it is his job; we know Sean's fate but what is Ann's? Who is lying and who is hiding what? Maybe they both are trying to cover it up. Ann wants to have an affair without the sex? Is her life on the line and are they going to rape her at dinner or her mom? Confused yet? Hannity confesses on the air:
Dear Ann Coulter: I would start writing Miss America and not to boyfriends or terror suspects! Who is the liar and what are they lying about?
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