Obama is guilty like Bush and would prefer to viewed as mean than a liar. The economy is going to collapse soon on him and it only takes GM and Chrysler to blame the salaries of the executives. Obama can walk on water but his image is he sinks to the bottom. In these times, people want trust and security and this administration provides neither. They want to be protected and the changes and police powers have offerred neither. The worst is yet to come and he knows it but has nobody left to blame. When the richest and wealthiest become the most taxing, when the politicians are behind terror plots, when the social fabric has run amuck and our future is run into the ground; there is no escape but the truth. What will come of this truth? Put one of these goons on the police force and all hell will break loose. Put one of these goons in the White House and we are seriously headed for terror.
More on Chelsea, Ann Coulter, and me: "Who is Sean Hannity and Rush Limbaugh" and "Is it true what they say about Ann Coulter - Let's Make a Movie with a goon."