Monday, August 25, 2008


8/25/2008 12:36:49 PM

To: Rush Limbaugh
From: Cyber Warfare HQ

WHY: in order to "dump" someone or hurt them, they have to be in love with you first or "desirable." You are dealing with heavyweight romantics and super relationship experts... you will get eaten alive, for sure. ...Alive. Is this about love or liberal nonsense? (wrong Rush, I do Ann's dirty work bc I am the illegal alien Bourne, she is one in a million... she does not need me or my dirty work.)

You are quite vocal, demanding, and all the sudden you look like a pipsqueak. Why so much regrets and why the complete run around or turn around? Did you mess up? Why is your opinion of Ann so negative and why do you see her that way? Are you romantically involved…? I doubt this very much. Rarely have I ever seen a man get a second date from Ann, rarely. You seem to play cupid and think she is throwing herself at your feet. Is she… Ann is a partner and she shares this mission with me. I have seen her in battle and fighting shoulder to shoulder with me even if she is not a fully trained commando with killer instinct, do you understand “brothers in arms” and the bond they have? She is nuts and fearless but you have to understand she emulates me and the real deal is right here.

I need to know and with pure clarity whether or not you either stalked or had Ann Stalked for this hooker service similar to Jonathan Edwards. Ann is a perfect 10 and is not your type, trust me. She will bite and if you threaten her private life or come between me and her, as has happened many times before, she will take it out on you as I will also. You DO NOT need to lie to MYSELF OR ANN; we know we are dealing with psychopaths and corrupt liars who have murder on their minds. You have no reason to lie to or for either Ann or myself.

Some facts:
1. She felt someone was stalking her in New York which was either liberal or left wing in origin. Ann intentionally dresses down. Due to the harsh criticisms, she dresses up then down then up again. Nobody in their right mind would put 20 years in something and ruin it for idiot love. She is nuts and fearless in her own right and I do not lie or exaggerate (you play the victim card but do not understand when people want to just be left alone and they honor the close bonds, try asking or honesty). if you see her as fearless and nuts, then you should meet real commandos who actually are the cutting point of the arrow.
2. You showed up oddly in a restaurant and gave a different story. So far everything you have said to me indicates I am some weakling and not some stud that Ann would even consider because she deserves only a black man or a white man. Get race off your mind and understand that Ann is the keeper to her temple. She chooses me 20 plus years ago and if you threaten this, she will pay a visit and you will feel it and know it. She really does not care and I do not either, the question is why you care? If you felt insulted or embarrassed, then stay out of our mission. You are in my mission and you need to decide if you wish to stay in my mission and why Ann is on your mind so pervasively? Think harder and more clearly you goof. Are you on drugs> what is your problem with me and her and why do we have to bring the war to your doorstep?
3. You have to ask if she is trying to give her and her life dreams a better life or is she “flirting” and seeking a mate (ask how women make it very and really obvious when they want a mate, it is really easy and they will make it very well known. They will fight and insult other girls to put them in their place.)
4. The reason for Palm Beach was mostly investment and I am or have been a surfer all my life; I am Asian and like a fish. I love the beach and dreamed about living there. The last time I spoke to Ann was at the beach before being arrested, I had massive problems with stalkers and they came there as documented.
5. Do not screw up her mission and life dreams by stalking her or thinking she is flirting with you. Women are very clear and concise when they are her type. She can have anybody she wants and is drop dead gorgeous. Why or what in the world would she drool over you for? Women are very clear and clear headed on their love life. If I have a problem with her I stop talking to her or become an enemy; not obsess or let her dominate my thoughts. Did she say she loved anyone, wishes to marry them, cry over their pain, or seek them out for romance; that is the first clue? How about being asked to a single event or date?
6. Privacy was big and escaping stalkers big on the list for moving to the beach. In 2002 that was my same reason and why I was going there every single weekend, it was over stalkers. Now her address is printed and the county tries to arrest her. The exact same thing which happened to me but in 2002 and it was because I had a girl in my life. Do not put the cops on her or abuse your power, it may backfire. She is there for privacy (or she tells me… and I have read about how people said she and some crowd are drinking and making loud conversation), maybe.
7. This drug thing is about me and my “rock n roll” friends. I do not take any drugs but have in high school like all or most kids. The bad influences trying to string people on drugs were dealt with in 1988. Since then, no drugs have been used or tried, High School was the last time that topic ever occurred. It has to do with the Vietnam War and also my heavy metal background.
8. Even you conservatives are nuts so I will make this clear, Ann and I are identical. She is not going to betray me and I am not going to betray her. We have 20 years and we really do not obsess over the life of others unless there is a need. Our life is not being judged but it was and it also will be a stepping point into hell and the wrath of it. Stop acting like a liberal or a conservative on drugs.
9. Whatever fantasies men or all these men have, let go and dispel them. She like all women like their public life to be professional and her personal and love life protected and sacred. A woman finding love, true love, and true meanings is big and some will work their entire life for family and to build one. You have Ann wrong but I am a bad boy in all definitions because of this military and heavy metal rocker background. I judge Ann so critically and she likes it that way or she would tell me. She will give her own life for marriage and family so… this fantasy and all this flirting is a jerk in the sink (hint: make sure you run the water)
10. If you are stalking Ann Coulter, please stop. A woman can search her entire life for that one person. If you did stalk her then I have no idea, you are in a heap load of trouble. Get her off your mind and get me off your mind; I hold World War III and 200 plus years of future history and no money in this world is going to squander or threaten that. Human beings are only numbers, do not be a number okay and be on your best behavior with Ann or myself. Stay out of our love life and leave us alone. Palm Beach is about privacy and stalkers, not you. I also took a course on real estate for 600 dollars and am quite good.
11. This article on “rush baby” or “the fiasco at Palm Beach” or Jonathan Edwards is ridiculous. I have the left stalking me and Ann has the right stalking her. You are going to end up one of her victims. She has been engaged once. I am a bad boy by definition. I hate promiscuous women and dream of a demure but very sexy one. I only believe in monogamy and marriage and family almost committing at age 18 then sealing it at age 19. I will admit both my heavy metal background and military background has a bare sense for things people cannot stomach or bear to watch and listen. My hair is long, perfect, I am obsessed with fitness and nutrition, and I have a lot of sex appeal (almost metro). I do see myself as a stud and if I had more money will be a huge stud but I only love Ann, end of story, twenty years is a really long time for stud kingdom. Someone ruined my show and game, stole my wind or show. Someone tried the same on Ann, so now it begins to unravel and her victim list grows. You need to treat her as a professional and get her off your mind unless you love her and she will either be real clear or not.

If you want to be helpful or a fan then that is fine; but if you want to be another chapter in stalking and Clinton sexapades, then that war can be brought to your doorsteps. Both Ann and I are not exactly sure what is going on and who is behind some or all of it but we do know its both sides and why. If you want to help and clear this up, then do so. These men are the most ridiculous and ludicrous thing I have ever heard. We live in a communist and liberal world and we become prisoners to it. Southern command, USOCCOM, commander in chief, etc… is that a joke? Did you get that from Ann because that is Tampa Bay, FL and not Palm Beach? Honestly is the best policy… do you agree?

There are a lot of bad Republicans and conservatives but we know who the enemy is now. You are being pulled in a mission and I want you out of my mission and you to find your own mission, thank you. If you are in my mission, then assume you are under my command. If you mess, stalk, harass, or do not leave Ann and I alone; then I have no choice but to pull a Jason Bourne on you. We are dealing with psychos and lunatics. You people are corrupt as hell and hostile jackasses. Get out of my mission before I kick you out; go find your own mission, mine is the next 200 plus years. Why do I have to repeat myself 100s of times?

We are trying to figure out and piece together 10 years or more of her history and mine, please be helpful and not cause more suspicions to an already difficult case. Thank you.

Cyber Warfare HQ

Testimony from a Florida native:

“As a displaced Native Floridian, born and raised in Southeast Florida, seeing this nonsense being carried on against prominent conservatives reaffirms to me my decision to leave Florida for good. If allowing the murder of Teri Schiavo wasn't enough, conservatives seem unwelcome down in my home town area (I grew up in Broward County, graduating from South Broward High in 1966).

I realize the three counties of Dade, Broward and Palm Beach are notoriously Democrat, not to mention corrupt, but are they sending a message that prominent conservatives aren't welcome there now?

Florida used to be a great state at one time. The last few years make me wonder just what the hell is going on down there. What I hear coming out of there sure isn't the Southern State I grew up in.

Ms. Coulter, you don't need advice from an old Vet like me, but stick to your guns. Like Rush, don't let these liberals railroad you over something as menial as a voting precinct. Even if you did go to the wrong poll, surely there are drug dealers, murderers, pedophiles and such laughing away as Palm beach County ignores them and pursues conservatives that irritate them.”

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