Wednesday, August 13, 2008


8/12/2008 5:16:53 PM

Sh@eep! Sh@eep man, you got to be kidding me?

And here is a tongue twister for all of the conservatives and so called "Christians" who claim they are the winning side or on the winning side. They call it perfect because it is a perfect blend of the truth. We can eliminate all liberal and left wing arguments from this debate because they have no argument to cosign with any property rights.

1. Are Conservatives into inter-racial relationships or the "perfect blend" of conservatism? What is this perfect blend? Is it their church or their lack of any church?
2. Why do some Christians discredit other Christians with hate or bigotry? Liberalism is hate but it defines itself as kinder so long as you are abducted or a captive.
3. Who is going around and saying this like a meandering robot, "Must steal da white women and make them… white, Must steal da white women and make them… white, Must steal da white women and make them… white"? Who is this robot and lunatic who cannot understand intelligence or a perfect blend? Now you have the slander and hate issue declaring how competitive it is, the church of nonsense.
4. Why does fat and ugly always have to be in the conversation? Why? Is it because the fat and ugly gene is all about "inflating your head and political miles? This is so weak it borders on communism and liberalism. Why can’t we just say nothing but the perfect blend and no ugliness or fat heads? Is that fascism declaring itself as the truth or bent up and beat up?
5. So now it is about money and not the truth? Is this not slander and the game of liberals and communists?
6. Do these so called friends have an answer for this, “A bad friend is far worse than an enemy because a bad friend can produce more trouble?”
7. Now define stupidity and conservatism and liberalism. Does it have anything to do with inflating the head “visa-vi teeter” to squeeze as much political miles as possible?
8. How many times do we need to define superior before we can grasp or get right that perfect blend or bow down to the truth?


Anonymous said...

I absolutely adore Ann Coulter because she has the uncanny ability to successfully piss-off so many mutton heads. Right now, she gets more google news alerts than Obama.
Further, what are you so angry about? Do you think your rantings will accomplish anything? If you were even remotely successful, don't you think that this beneficent republic in which we live wouldn't hesitate to crush you like the litle stinkbugs you so detest.
My friend, even if Obama gets elected, NOTHING WILL CHANGE! bureaucratic enertia will maintain the status quo, and a different gang of thieves will come into power and continue to vote themselves largesse from the public trough.


ASKING AND BEING DIRECT... never hurt anyone? DID IT OR DOES IT...