Bin Limbaugh warns he will kill us if any effort is made to arrest, capture, or bring him to justice; wants us to get out of this now. We are charging him of terrorism and three pages of felony charges; also his co-conspirators. Explains why he stopped and we must move; makes an effort to leave their life and give up. That is the maniac serial killer Red Dragon we know and saw; that is the 911 terrorist and murderous; Understand what we are trying to corner him for or on; we can end this right now and round them up; all of them. He wants to play games; so we have to break the second and third level. He wants us to suffer and quit (attacking and misery with upstairs union communist IRA cell) by refusing to exonerate us and inform us we will not be paid unless we work for them.
Dear Ann Coulter: about your biography and speech at UTC (University of Tennessee, Chattanooga):
The best of the best masterpiece ever written hands down; a compilation and cumulative of three months of questioning and raw data; then the summation of months of interwoven and insertion of intervention-intersections with our enemies.
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