Friday, February 6, 2009


2/6/2009 9:10:45 PM On the chopping block is her staff and career which she said she was trading in for a fairy tale; and lied. Now she is caught as a liar. She has to choose what is most important to her; money and power, or the storm that waits. The storm is too strong and I am not going to live my life in anger or disgruntled. Ann’s personal life is a nightmare and here is my letter to her and her staff. Read all of them and let’s hear what the sneakiest woman of the year says. Also watch the video below. I do not trust her now and do not want to live in fear or angry for the rest of my life. I do not find peace with her or her life yet she blames others. She blames it on her pundit life. She said I have nothing to be angry about which is more lies. Once you are caught lying, that is it.

If you want a new screen desktop of Ann Coulter, just right click and she is yours! She is running loose in California after I had told her to quit it and the storm is coming. The storm is too strong for her but... watch the video of her in DC also.

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